Candidates Space

One step further towards your new life

Kickstart your career


Share your resume

Share your most updated CV on our platform and begin your journey with Talent Starter.


Get acces to your training program and receive expert advices for your career

Depending on the job field for which you marked interest, get free access to a set of personalized resources. The program includes sample resumes, useful trainings, videos, and other essential assets for the success of your future interviews. Your CV will be analyzed by our experts who will guide you to adapt it if necessary. You may also schedule an online private coaching session.


Browse through the job vacancies, pass interviews and reach your dream job

Now that you’re ready, we’ll do a comparative analysis and put you in relations with partner companies for you to pass interviews and land the job position that suits you best. If you’ve not been contacted yet, you can directly apply to vacancies in the Jobs Space.

Opportunities don’t happen, you create them. Get advices from experts and take action.